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“Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win.” – Jeffrey Gitomer

"Selling professionally"
training program
Increase your sales performance growth by 6X when you certify in the skills of Pitch Perfect India in either a private or open workshop. Pitch Perfect India is tailored for your selling situations using our unique selling professionally program as our Professional Facilitators take you through the course.
The Selling Professionally Program includes Certified Instructors, sales training videos, workbooks, customized scenarios, group exercises, and role-play practice. You’ll use your company, industry, products, and selling environment in every step of the training.
Selling Professionally Training Program
The training program covers all 4 stages of commercial conversation with the customer.

What Happens in the Pitch Perfect India Selling Professionally Training Program

Key highlights:
– Learn how to create a powerful value proposition.
– Learn how to create a strong elevator pitch using the value proposition.
– Learn how to open a sales conversation professionally.

Communication Preferences
Key highlights:
– Learn how you can improve communication with people with different communication
– Learn how you can use this knowledge in sales situations to match your selling style
with that of your customer’s buying style.

Handling Resistance
Key highlights:
– Learn which kinds of resistance are there, and when can you expect those.
– Learn what the most common wrong reactions to resistance are.
– Learn 10 objection techniques that can help you to professionally cope with objections.

Key highlights:
– You learn about the different roles in the DMU.
– You learn how to discover the buying motive, the communication style and the role of
your conversation partner within the DMU.
– You learn about the structure of the conversation and which questions you should ask
at what moment, in order to achieve the best result.
– You will learn how to help customers prioritize their needs using the value triangle.
– You will learn how you create a balanced conversation.
– You will learn which powerful question techniques can you use to control
– You will learn which listening levels are there and how can you use the model of
BEYONCE to become a better listener yourself.

Key highlights:
– Learn what are the six persuasion principles of Prof. Cialdini and how you can apply
those in your sales conversation.
– Learn what is the RIGHT technique and how can you use this to convert product
features into benefits.

Price Presentation
Key Highlights:
– Learn when and how you should present the price in sales conversations.
– Understand the price presentation techniques and know when to use in real situations.

advanced closing techniques
Key highlights:
– Learn what the best moment for a closing attempt is.
– Learn what are buying signals, how you recognize them, and how you respond to
– Learn what are there three categories of closing techniques and when you choose
which technique from which category.
– Learn what are the 12 power closing techniques and how and when you apply
– Advanced closing techniques (how to handle procrastinators).

Key highlights:
– Learn about your ZOPA and BATNA in a negotiation.
– Learn which negotiation dimensions you should pay attention to.
– Learn what kind of
negotiation styles exists and how can you react to these styles.
– Learn the right structure of negotiation(price).

Time Management
Key highlights:
– Understand how to use Pareto’s Rule
– Learn Eisenhower’s time management principle
– Understand the difference between urgent and important priorities
– Learn how to handle procrastination
– Understand why self-discipline is essential for time management
With Pitch Perfect India you get a sales training program that delivers
- The Most Effective Training for Experienced sales professionals and new hires
- Productivity that Sets New Sales Records
- Long-Term Reinforcement for Sustained Learning
- Sales Coaching Tools to Develop Sales Managers
- Maximize Your Sales Force’s Potential
- Effective Sales Management, CRM & Forecasting Tools
Your Sales Team will…
- Increase new customer acquisition
- Reduce sales cycle
- Increase margins
- Increase closing ratio
How to Make This Happen:
- Review how our Sales Certification program works.
- Measure the current skills of your sales force
Our Training Takes You Further
Increase your sales performance growth by 6X when you certify on the skills of Pitch Perfect India in Selling Professional Program.
The Importance of Sales Training in Business

Pitch Perfect India sales training programs produce real, long-term gains in sales performance; gains that can be seen in salespeople’s behavior and measured in actual dollars. Pitch Perfect India is successful when implemented in Startups, MSMEs, and Early enterprises in all industries. There are two key reasons why it works so well:
- Pitch Perfect India teaches the eight core selling skills that are proven to produce more performance gain than all others.
- Pitch Perfect India incorporates training, reinforcement, and transfer innovations that ensure these skills will be learned and consistently used on the job.
Sales success relies on nurturing the qualities and skills that are necessary to closing deals. Whether you believe your sales team yields the skills by nature, there is always room for a sales professional to grow their skillset. Skills training development will help any sales team consistently perform to a higher caliber, regardless of their current knowledge and expertise.
Because the sales process is so complex, there are many areas that a sales professional may need to develop. There are many major benefits of a professional sales training program.
Improve your Sales Team’s Performance
Register below to speak with our experts.